Text to Give
You can now text your tithes and offerings! Text “UCOH” to (833) 717-7700 to get started. Thank you!

In Person or Mail
You may choose to mail a check or use a contribution envelope available in your Church pew when you worship with us.
The use of envelopes is not required when giving a check at the Church.
Mail to: Unity Church of the Hills; 9905 Anderson Mill Road, Austin, TX 78750

Stock Gifts
Gifts of stock are always welcome and appreciated.
Please contact our Finance Office at 512-335-4449 for instructions on gifting stock.

Donate With PayPal

Endowment Fund
The Unity Church of the Hills Endowment Fund was established in 2015 as a permanent fund for the ongoing financial support of its ministry. It is a profound statement of faith to provide permanent support to the future of Unity Church of the Hills with endowments. Through the program, members and friends can contribute through a variety of gifting options and bequests that may be given now or as a part of an individual’s estate. These contributions can be virtually any amount. All are helpful in securing the church’s future of transforming lives. If you would like an Endowment Fund team member to contact you with information on how to give to the Endowment Fund, please email front.office@unityhills.org
Legacy Giving – A promise for the Future
Although legacy gifts can be made at any time, they are primarily made at the end of one’s life, such as through a will, trust or beneficiary designation.
The beauty of end of life giving is that it gives anyone, regardless of the size of their estate, the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of support for future generations and ensure that the teachings, love and acceptance of Unity Church of the Hills continues to shape the world.
The Arch Society – Recognizing the Giver
As an expression of appreciation for those who include Unity Church of the Hills in their end of life gift planning, the Arch Society has been formed to recognize, thank and celebrate givers.
Directing Your Gift
You may direct your legacy giving to:
- The General Fund, for the highest and best use at the time received.
- The Endowment Fund, where the
principal is held and the earnings used for the ministries of the church. - A combination of the two.
Next Steps
There is no minimum amount, and you can remain anonymous if you choose.
- Request that a member of the Legacy Giving Team contact you about your gift, email front.office@unityhills.org
- Determine the amount of your gift, how you would like to direct it, and through what means (i.e., will, trust, etc.).
- Speak with your legal, tax and/or financial advisor.
- Submit the Arch Society giving form.
Email: Front.Office@UnityHills.org

Support our Bookstore
We have partnered with two online suppliers and your purchases will help Unity Church of the Hills financially:
- https://bookshop.org/shop/UCOH. 30% of the purchase price comes to UCOH. We’ve built several lists and there is a search bar. Bookshop will ship directly to you and supports local bookstores like UCOH.
- https://libro.fm/unityhills. When you start a membership with code SHOPBOOKSTORESNOW, you’ll get two audiobooks for the price of one ($14.99), and 100% of your payment will go to Unity Church of the Hills. #ShopBookstoresNow