Summary and Introduction

Unity Church of the Hills (UCOH), in Northwest Austin, has a very active Course in Miracles community, and all are welcome, whether you attend Unity Church of the Hills or not. All groups are facilitated by long-time Course students, and you may join at anytime. Each group has a slightly different focus, so we encourage you to try a few of the groups to see which one is a good fit for you. Come join fellow like-minded students on the path to remembering the spiritual beings that we really are, and always have been!

A Course in Miracles Books

We use the 2nd or 3rd editions of A Course in Miracles, published by The Foundation for Inner Peace, so we all have consistent page, paragraph and sentence numbers. Most of the focus of our studies is on the main text of the book, but the Wednesday evening study group studies the workbook lessons. The book can be purchased at the physical or virtual UCOH bookstores, which is the last remaining metaphysical bookstore in Austin. A variety of related ACIM books are also available in the bookstore. We have extra books at the study groups / classes if you don’t have a book yet. 

ACIM Study Groups

The Study Groups are held in a discussion-based format, where we read a few paragraphs, discuss, read a few paragraphs, discuss. The insights gained from fellow students are priceless, as we help each other to understand and apply the spiritual principles in our daily lives. Newcomers are welcome at any time, regardless of where we are in the book, as the same eternal truths are repeated over and over again until we get them! We have extra copies of A Course in Miracles for those who do not yet have the book.

Sunday Morning Study Group – 9:30 am – 10:10 am

This group studies the main text section of A Course in Miracles. Long-time students and newcomers are all welcome to join us at any time, since the eternal truths in ACIM are repeated over and over again until we get them!

To participate, all that is required is an open mind and a little willingness. We walk through the Course page by page, week by week, with like-minded travelers on the path to remembering the eternal truths so beautifully presented in this timeless work. Join facilitator Neil Feiereisel, a long-time student of the Course, as we enjoy the journey together.

Cost: Voluntary love offering.

Location: We meet most Sundays in the chapel, just off to the right as you look at the main sanctuary building doors. Please enter through the outside door. On 2nd Sundays, we meet in rooms 204 and 205 in the Unity Oaks building to the left of the main building.

Wednesday Evening Study Group – 7:30 – 8:45 pm

Room 202 Unity Oaks in person and via Zoom: ZOOM LINK

The Wednesday Evening Course in Miracles Study Group studies the Workbook Lessons. This is a multi-year journey with an emphasis on the practical application of the spiritual principles of the Course. As we study the lessons together, we will share how we are applying these truths in our lives.

The pace at which we study the lessons on Wednesday evenings will vary from a few short lessons in a single evening to just a portion of a longer lesson. Individuals are encouraged to simultaneously study the lessons on their own, at their own pace, and we start each week with a time to share experiences that have come up as we apply the lessons in our daily lives. You are welcome to join us at any time; the best time to start studying the ACIM lessons is now! You are never “done” with the lessons, and simply roll around again for another pass. So even if your study of the lessons is in fits and starts, it’s perfectly fine!

Newcomers, as well as long-time Course students are all encouraged to join us as we share this journey together, learning from each other as we discuss the deep practical teachings in the Workbook lessons that reinforce the more cerebral concepts laid out in the main text of the Course.

We meet both in person and over Zoom in a hybrid meeting format. It works surprisingly well. We meet in Room 202 of the Unity Oaks building to the left of the main sanctuary building.

Come join us, either in person or via Zoom, for a spiritual adventure with like-minded travelers. We meet every Wednesday night except for occasional holiday conflicts, which can be seen on the church calendar.

Cost: Voluntary love offering.

Saturday Morning Study Group – 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Everyone is welcome to attend this “A Course In Miracles” Study Group, which studies the main Text of the Course.  You’ll find that most of the students in this group have been studying ACIM for years, and many view it as a weekly “re-centering” as we apply the Course in our daily lives. 

This group meets in person in Room 131 in the main building. You can enter through the front door. 

Cost: Voluntary love offering;

ACIM Classes

The ACIM classes, offered by Jennifer Feiereisel, are designed to focus on total comprehension of the Course teachings. Jennifer breaks down difficult concepts through topical and subject matter studies. The class structure does not follow the linear structure of the text; instead, passages and clues are taken from all 3 parts  of the Course (Text, Workbook Lessons, and Manual for Teachers) to bring about clarity and understanding.  Jennifer intends to meet the consciousness of the class as it presents itself and yet take leaps and bounds as Spirit directs.

The Way of ACIM 

“The Holy Spirit needs a happy learner, in whom His mission can be happily accomplished… If you would be a happy learner, you must give everything you have learned to the Holy Spirit, to be unlearned for you. ²And then begin to learn the joyous lessons that come quickly on the firm foundation that truth is true.” (ACIM, T-14.II.I:1, 6:1-5)

The “Happy Learner” spring series picks up where the fall series left off and continues to unlearn the strange lessons that we have taught ourselves. This series is repeated on Thursday evenings on Zoom and Friday mornings in person.

Prerequisite: ACIM students

This class will be offered again in the fall of 2024

ACIM Essentials Class 

ACIM Essentials is a 4 1/2 hour in-depth introduction and overview of A Course in Miracles, presented by Jennifer Feiereisel, a long-time ACIM student and practitioner.  This class is designed to cover the essential teachings of the Course over 4 1/2 hours, plus an hour lunch break.  There will also be prayer/meditation, and Q&A throughout.

ACIM describes a way of living in the world but not of the world.  It helps us to recognize the illusions we have about ourselves, allowing them to be forgiven and released. It gives us the tools to reclaim our true identity and see the world anew, guiding us through the seemingly endless maze and senseless complexity we often find ourselves in.

Come join Jennifer on an exciting journey to the words of ACIM. Bring your lunch (you can heat it up in the kitchen microwave) or do your own thing during the one-hour lunch break.

This class will likely be offered again in August or September of 2024.

Cost: $30.



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