Dear Friends:

Last week, I asked you to practice feeling gratitude 3 times a day for five minutes each day of the week. I have been hearing some good stories from some about the benefits of this practice. Please let me know how it’s going for you.

This Sunday, we continue our “Faith in Your Future” series, focusing on your Self. In Unity, we give our fully-illumined essence the name, “the Christ.” On our respective spiritual paths, we move inexorably toward our True Nature. There can be apparent detours along the way, but inevitably we “re-discover” the Divine within. That this essence is Who we are, is the second principle in Unity’s teachings.

Join us as we have some fun on this beautiful Journey of Faith – a journey that nurtures and blesses so many especially you!

With Love,
Rev. Steve

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2014-03-09 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • My faith is quickened, and I am centered in the pure Love of God.
  • As I identify more with the indwelling Christ, it is reflected in my life!
  • Happiness IS the truth!
  • My faith in the eternality of life grows steadily day by day.
  • Thank you, Living, Loving God for the strength of your Spirit in me!


Bulletin 2014-03-09


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Sunday Service MediaFaith: Your Future in Christ, March 9, 2014