Today’s Lessons

Toddlers/Unitots: Truth for Tots

Preschool/Kindergarten: Creation in Action (Principle 3)

First-Fifth Grade: What is Faith? (Principle 2)

Uniteens: What is Faith? (Principle 2)

YOU: Power of Faith (Principle 2)

Unitreat & YOU Winter Rally

Our Uniteens and Youth of Unity will be at Glen Lake Camp this coming weekend for their annual Uniteen Retreat, “Unitreat” and YOU Winter Rally. The group will depart from the Church on Friday at noon and return late Sunday afternoon. Two of our YOU Officers are helping to lead the Rally. These rallies provide important opportunities for our teens to have transformative experiences in their spirituality, and serve as significant milestones on their spiritual paths. Our teens will also have an opportunity to form new friendships and bond with like-minded teens from other Unity Churches in Texas.

Friday January 17- Sunday January 19 in Glen Rose, Texas

Real-Time Parenting

Join Language of Listening and Love & Logic facilitators and other parents for a solution-oriented discussion that focues on how to help your children see and express their inner greatness! This month’s topic is “New Year, New Perspectives.” Complimentary childcare provided in Room 135. Love offering.

Sunday, January 19 at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 204 Unity Oaks

Real-Time Parenting Weekly Meetup

Starting in February, our monthly Real-Time Parenting group will meet weekly in Room 205 of Unity Oaks. The first Sunday of the month will launch the topic focus for the month and will be led by our Language of Listening and Love & Logic facilitators. The remaining Sundays of the month will be led by a facilitator and/or a parent leader. This will give parents an opportunity to explore topics in greater depth as well as process parenting challenges and successes with the group on a weekly basis.

Starting Sunday February 2 at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 205 Unity Oaks



UncategorizedYouth and Family News – Sunday January 12, 2014