Dear Friends,

As I entertain thoughts of Halloween, I can hear Louise Hay saying, “Stop scaring yourself!” Most of us do that quite a bit – scare ourselves with fears about things -–most of which, never come to pass. Fearful thoughts are the default position of the “little mind” that thinks way too much. Focusing on our hearts quiets this raucous voice and promotes peace, clarity and healing.

In Part Five in our Fall “Journey of Coherence” Series, the theme is “A Servant’s Heart.” This Sunday, we welcome our new members in all three of our Services, and we gather for our Annual Membership Meeting at 1:00 p.m. Interestingly, we begin the weekend with the Path Dinner for our Path class attendees, our Board of Trustees and Staff and their families.

Invariably, we hear stories of how impactful this community has been in the lives of those present. We are blessed to have so many folks who have the heart of a servant, who make this ministry what it is. Hundreds of volunteers, thousands of hours, selflessly given, not to mention the thousands more given outside this ministry in your workplaces and in other places. Thank you!

So, Happy Halloween, and for goodness sake, let’s heed Louise’s advice and “stop scaring ourselves!” Happiness waits just on the other side.

Blessings and Love,

Rev. Steve


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■ My thankful heart leads me to the riches of God’s kingdom.

■ God keeps me steady and secure through every change.

■ Today, I take a quantum leap in spiritual awareness!

■ The greatest thing in all my life is serving You, God!

■ Thank You, Mother-Father God, for my love-filled heart.

Bulletin 11-03-2013


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Sunday Service MediaA Servant’s Heart November 3, 2013