How to contact the Ministerial Search Team:

Tracey Parthe, Charles Davis, Joanie Gibbs, Pamela Haynes, Michael Rhea, Jack Frick & Dan Stasiak

See the UWM posting:

We are excited to report that the Board has reviewed the candidates the MST recommended and the Board has invited two of the candidates for onsite visits to our

beloved community. Please see the attached letter from the board with details about the upcoming candidate visits. (Insert Link to letter). STAY TUNED for more

updates from the Board regarding the upcoming candidate visits in April and May.

The MST continues to review candidates that have been recently received from UWM and we will continue to go through the process to completion. 

I greatly appreciate all the enthusiasm and encouragement of our entire UCOH community. Thank you all for your patience during this process.

We will continue to provide updates from the platform frequently. If you have any questions please fill out the form at the link above and we will respond to you.

Please continue to hold the UCOH Board, Staff, MST, and Candidates in prayer during this process. 

Love and Blessings

Tracey Parthé

MinisterMinister Search 2025