In last Sunday’s Services, the focus was The Golden Key by Emmet Fox. The essence of this teaching is that to find resolution to any difficulty we take our attention off the person or the problem and put it on God instead. A number of you have given feedback on how this simple but powerful teaching is helping you. This Sunday in Through the Golden Door, we explore that place in you where, as A Course in Miracles declares, “ there is perfect peace, a place where the strength of God abides.” There are times we can feel like we have been left out of such a lofty and pristine “condition” but that is never the case. Come be with us this Sunday as we support each other in experiencing this truth more deeply.

Lets begin our full 31 days of practicing the Golden Key after a three day “warm-up.” If you haven’t done so, consider committing to this powerful practice for the month of August. Prove its efficacy in your own life. If you missed it last Sunday, you can see the message at our website.


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[wptab name=’Audio’]Meditation


2013-08-04 Audio Zip File



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  1. I joyfully affirm the Presence and Power of God in and through my life!
  2. I manage my divine inheritance with energy and enthusiasm!
  3. The universal Source provides for me and all others.
  4. Serenity fills me as I go about my life.
  5. Thank You Loving God. You rock and You are my Rock.

August 04, 2013 Bulletin

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August 4, 2013

August 4, 2013

Sunday Service MediaThrough the Golden Door, August 4, 2013