Dear Friends,

“In the sunlight of awareness, everything becomes sacred” wrote Thich Nhat Hanh, venerable and contemporary Vietnamese Buddhist Monk. Typically the last thing our egos want to see is the sacred, especially in the “ordinary” yet it is also the very first thing our Spirit not only wants to see but is fully equipped to see. For so many of us, our spiritual quest is about that moment, that big day when, as my colleague, Dennis Merritt Jones writes, “we will arrive at that point where our life is an extraordinary spiritual experience, full of meaning, whole and complete in every way.” What we ultimately find is that instead of “someday” arriving at that grand moment, the sacred is all around us now. We simply need to be willing to seek and realize it. My lesson title this Sunday is “Seeking the Sacred in the Ordinary.” Through mindfulness, we can perpetually walk with the key that unlocks that “door.” Come and let’s explore this important mind/heart set together.

Peace and Blessings,

Rev. Steve


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Meditation at Unity Church of the Hills, September 7, 2014 with Mary Bolen, LUT from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Sermon at Unity Church of the Hills, Rev. Steve Bolen. from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Bulletin 9-7-2014


  • I turn toward Love’s Divine attention, discovering how very precious I am to God!
  • Doing things from my soul, I feel a river of joy moving in me!
  • I look for God’s Presence in the ordinary things.
  • I don’t have to wait for a spiritual experience;  I am a spiritual experience!
  • Thank You, Living, Loving God, for the Truth that sets me free!


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Sunday Service MediaSeeking the Sacred in the Ordinary, Sept 7, 2014