Today’s Lessons:

Toddlers/Unitots: Truth for Tots

Pre-K/Kindergarten: Caring for Animals & Plants (Principle 2)

First-Fifth Grade: Releasing Attachment (Principle 3)

Uniteens: Releasing Attachment (Principle 3)

YOU: Teen Led Lesson (Principle 5)


Christmas Youth Choir

We are now forming a Christmas Youth Choir, elementary to high school ages, to sing at the 5:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Family Service on Tuesday, December 24. Jon Kelly will be leading the choir. A sign up sheet is in the Youth Education Office, Room 140. A parent meeting/first rehearsal will be on Sunday December 1st at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 202 in Unity Oaks. If you or your child are unsure about joining us, come to the first meeting and get your questions answered!


Advent Kits

It’s time to get prepared for Advent which starts Sunday, December 1st! The YOU will be selling Advent Kits in the Foyer today and next Sunday, November 24 after the 9:30 & 11:30 Services. The kits cost $20 each and include everything you need to make a beautiful centerpiece. Each kit also includes an Advent devotional, “The Glow of Christmas.” Thank you for supporting our YOU!

Today and November 24 after the 9:30 and 11:30 Services in the Foyer


Real-Time Parenting

Join Language of Listening and Love & Logic facilitators and other parents for a solution-oriented discussion about the challenges and successes you are having with your children. The focus of these discussions is on how to help your child see and express their inner greatness! This month’s topic is “Cultivating Respect & Appreciation.” Love offering. Complimentary childcare is available in Room 135.

Today at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 204, Unity Oaks


UncategorizedYouth and Family News – November 17, 2013