Youth and Family News:

Today’s Lessons:

Toddlers/Unitots:  Truth for Tots

Pre-K/Kindergarten:  God Loves Me (Principle 1)

First-Fifth Grade:  Power of Zeal (Principle 2)

Uniteens:  Power of Zeal (Principle 2)

YOU:  Power of Zeal (Principle 2)

Breakfast Tacos

Today is a first Sunday and so our YOU are selling breakfast tacos in Friendship Hall after the 8:00 a.m. Service and between the 9:30 and 11:30 Services.  There are three kinds:  potato & egg, bacon & egg, and sausage & egg.  Price is $3 each and $4 each for gluten free ones. Thank you for your support of the YOU!

YFM Volunteer Regional Training

YFM Volunteer Regional Training There will be a regional training for all YFM volunteers at Unity of Wimberley on Saturday, October 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  The training will be led by Marygrace Sorensen and Betsy Giunti, our Children and Teen Ministry Consultants.    Teen Leadership Rally Our YOU Officers and Sponsors will be attending a Teen Leadership Rally next weekend at Unity of Dallas.  The theme of the Rally is “The Ripple Effect” and focuses on empowered spiritual leadership.  The Rally will draw from material in “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.


UncategorizedYouth and Family New for October 8, 2013