9:25 & 11:25 a.m…Youth Education…Education Wing & Unity Oaks
Our March Unit focuses on Meditation. For details, refer to the Unit Overview on the Bulletin Board outside of the Youth Education Office.
In addition to today’s lessons, our Sunday School classes will be creating hallway decorations for Easter.
Toddlers/Unitots: Truth for Tots
Pre-K thru Uniteens: Who Meditates? (Principle 4)
YOU: Teen led lesson

Youth Education News

Real-Time Parenting Meet-up: The topic focus for the first two weeks of March is “Parenting in the Present.” Join Language of Listening and Love & Logic facilitators and other parents during the first two Sundays of every month for a solution-oriented discussion about the challenges and successes you are having with your children! Love offering. Complimentary childcare is available in Room 135.
Today at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 131

Family Celebration: Our next Family Celebration is coming up on Sunday March 29 which is also Palm Sunday. We will be celebrating in Sacred Circle in the Pavilion for both the 9:25 and 11:25 Services. We have some special activities planned for this Service! All ages are welcome, however we will provide regular childcare for the infants and toddlers. Preschoolers and older children are invited to participate in these Services with their parents and family members. We look forward to having you join us!
Unity Oaks Pavilion, Sunday, March 29 at 9:25 and 11:25 a.m.

Elementary Angels: Our elementary Sunday School classes are looking for angels (teacher’s assistants) for both Services. Openings include an angel twice a month in the 9:25 first & second grade classroom or an angel twice a month in the 11:25 third-fifth grade class. If you are interested in filling one of these openings, please talk to Linda Hancock in the Youth Education Office, Room 140.

UncategorizedYouth and Family News, March 8, 2015