9:25 & 11:25 a.m…Youth Education…Education Wing & Unity Oaks

Our April Unit focuses on Forgiveness. For details, refer to the Unit Overview on the Bulletin Board outside of the Youth Education Office.
Toddlers/Unitots: Truth for Tots
Pre-K thru Uniteens: I Can Let Go (Principle 5)
YOU: Teen led lesson

Youth Education News

Real-Time Parenting Meet-up: The topic focus for the first two weeks of April is “Setting Up For Success.” Join Language of Listening and Love & Logic facilitators and other parents during the first two Sundays of every month for a solution-oriented discussion about the challenges and successes you are having with your children! Love offering. Complimentary childcare is available in Room 135.
Today at 10:40-11:20 a.m. in Room 131

Uniteen Event: Join fellow UCOH Uniteens for a taco lunch and a nature scavenger hunt at the home of Uniteen Leader Lynn King on Saturday, April 18 at 1:00-4:00 p.m. Flyers with details and permission slips are available in the Uniteen classroom, Room 202 as well as on the table in the Lobby of Unity Oaks.
Saturday, April 18 at 1:00-4:00 p.m. in Leander

Taco Sunday: Sunday, April 19 is our next Taco Sunday! The YOU will be selling an assortment of breakfast tacos in the Foyer after the 9:25 and 11:25 Services. All tacos are $3 each including gluten free varieties.
Sunday, April 19 at 10:45-11:15 a.m. and 12:45-1:15 p.m.

Paper Shredder Fundraiser Postponed: The YOU’s annual paper shredder fundraiser has been postponed due to Centex having a shortage of truck drivers. This event will be rescheduled as soon as a new driver is hired! Look for details soon!

Elementary Angels: Our elementary Sunday School classes are looking for angels (teacher’s assistants) for both Services. Openings include an angel twice a month in the 9:25 first & second grade classroom or an angel twice a month in the 11:25 third-fifth grade class. If you are interested in filling one of these openings, please talk to Linda Hancock in the Youth Education Office, Room 140.

Kids Summer Camp: Mark Your Calendars! Our Summer Spirit Camp will be held the week of June 22-26 in Friendship Hall. The camp will be for children ages 6-10 and will be taught by Kelley Glover! The camp will include some guest speakers and field trips mixed in during the week as well. Look for more details soon!

UncategorizedYouth and Family News, April 12, 2015