Dear Friends,

Staff Member, Tammy Lorraine, speaks artfully to our Youth of Unity Sunday… “Every year we have the wonderful blessing of hearing from the future of Unity Church of the Hills as our Youth of Unity deliver the Sunday message. What an amazing gift! Youth of Unity…we are honored by your presence and passion. Thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with us.

“All of the children and youth who come to UCOH come here whole and complete. They are nurtured and supported by an amazing team of volunteers. It is with great joy that we celebrate and honor all of our Teachers and Angels (their assistants) today. Their love and acceptance help these Bright Lights shine a little brighter.” Thank you, Teachers and Angels for bringing your passion to UCOH! Thank you, Tammy and Amen!

Mary and I, once again, are grateful to be a part of Unity Church of the Hills where we deeply honor our Youth. We are excited to be with you this Y.O.U. Sunday as these amazing beings touch us all and as we also honor our Teachers and Angels for all they are and all they do.

With Love,
Rev. Steve

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bulletin 7-19-2015


  • I ask for the help I need.
  • I trust in my divine path.
  • I flow with the currents of life.
  • I choose to let go, and let God.
  • I allow Divine Order to guide my actions.


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Sunday Service MediaY.O.U. Sunday – Currents of Life, July 19, 2015