Dear Friends,

A dear friend recently gifted me The Book of Awakening – Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have, by  Mark Nepo. It is filled with everyday wisdom. In one writing he shares,  “Let the opposing voices in your head speak. They are only finding their part in a larger, yet-to-be-heard song.”

This Sunday, the lesson focus is “Walking in Both Worlds.” How do we, with as much elegance and grace, do that? How do we manage being in the world, and yet not of the world as the Master Jesus extolled? Let’s come  together and hold this possibility for each other.

As our friend, Abraham Hicks likes to say, “There is much love for you here,”

Rev. Steve

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Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  1. There is always an abundance of Spirit around and within me.
  2. I consciously choose to center myself in it.
  3. The pure unconditional Love of God is my eternal, internal operating system!
  4. I walk in both worlds.  I am grounded, peaceful and free!
  5. Thank You, Mother-Father-God, for my abundant, powerful, authentic life!


Bulletin 01-12-2014


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Sunday Service MediaWalking in Both Worlds – January 12, 2013