Thy Will Be Done – Mendhi Audlin, LUT


Dear Friends:

I am delighted to be sharing the platform this Sunday with one of the most dynamic speakers in the Unity movement. I have known Mendhi Audlin, a Licensed Unity Teacher, for a long time and I always take away from her talks some practical teaching that is very useful in my daily living. Here is a little more information about her:
Mendhi is a speaker, author, and group facilitator for almost two decades. Her transformational talks, seminars and retreats have made her a leader in the human potential movement. Mendhi is the author of “What If It All Goes Right?” and the host of Spirituality Today – TV, a television program and small group ministry dedicated to empowering people to experience and express the living, loving presence of God. Mendhi served as the pioneering Spiritual Leader of Unity Church of Wimberley, a spiritual retreat center outside of Austin, Texas.

In 2007, she launched an online spiritual radio network Unity Online Radio. She hosted the network’s first program, The Leading Edge, and grew the network to more than 100,000 listeners. She also hosted and produced Unity’s special online video production of “An Evening with Eckhart Tolle,” reaching thousands of online viewers. A highly sought after inspirational speaker and trainer, Mendhi has spoken to audiences in 4 countries and more than 40 states. Mendhi is passionate about bringing people together to put faith into action and turn dreams into reality.

Mendhi is doing a fascinating workshop on Saturday called The Passion Test  and a Sunday afternoon one about The 5 Competencies of the Enlightened Ego, that you may want to check out as well. I truly hope you will join us this Sunday to be inspired by her message which is Thy Will Be Done. You will not be disappointed!

Blessings and Love,
Rev. Donna

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Meditation with Mendhi Audlin at Unity Church of the Hills, 6-22-2014 from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.

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2014-06-22 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • There is one Power, one Spirit, one Mind, and that Mind is my Mind now!
  • I am restored by the healing Presence of God flowing in and through my body.
  • Centered in God, my life unfolds with Divine Order.
  • I give thanks for my life of health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self-expression.
  • I go forth this day striving to fulfill my Highest Purpose to honor God’s Presence!


Bulletin 6-22-2014


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Sunday Service MediaThy Will Be Done – Mendhi Audlin, LUT, June 22, 2014