Back in 1931, a premier teacher of metaphysics, Emmet Fox published The Golden Key. I spoke on this work here years ago, and it is time to revisit it. This simple, yet profound pamphlet is the essence of scientific prayer. I have used this “Key” with success over the years, especially in difficult times. Thousands of others have done the same with remarkable results. Please join us  as we take a fresh look at an ancient idea that can help you right where you are.

The complete Golden Key by Emmet Fox pamphlet is available in the Unity Hills Bookstore.
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[wptab name=’Audio’]C2013-07-28 meditation[/wptab]

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There is One Presence and One Power in my life – God!

My true nature is a complete and accurate out picturing of the Divine!

God is guiding me now.

I hold in my heart the Golden Key to happiness!

Thank You Mother-Father God for Your unending Love for me, for everyone!


[wptab name=’Bulletin’]  2013-07-28 Bulletin

2013-07-28 Opening Prayer Golden Key


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The Golden Key

Sunday Service MediaThe Golden Key July 28, 2013