In the final installment of our exploration of Robert Brumet's "Birthing a Greater Reality," Rev. Kristen Grandon urged us to escape the bonds of past experiences and soar to a new realization of Divinity. It's now our time to birth a greater reality for ourselves and humanity.
In the final installment of our exploration of Robert Brumet's "Birthing a Greater Reality," Rev. Kristen Grandon urged us to escape the bonds of past experiences and soar to a new realization of Divinity. It's now our time to birth a greater reality for ourselves and humanity.
In the final installment of our exploration of Robert Brumet's "Birthing a Greater Reality," Rev. Kristen Grandon urged us to escape the bonds of past experiences and soar to a new realization of Divinity. It's now our time to birth a greater reality for ourselves and humanity.