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    The Wisdom of a Good Witch

    Do you recall the words of Glinda, the Good Witch, spoken to Dorothy in the closing scenes of the Wizard of Oz?  As you might recall, Dorothy spent a great deal of effort yearning and striving to get back home from a place that was foreign to her. She...

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    Our Words Are Like Toothpaste

    Words are like toothpaste. Have you ever heard of words compared to a tube of toothpaste? Do you know how toothpaste can get sloppy, if we’re not paying attention? It can goop all over the top and make a sticky, gooey mess! However, when used properly, toothpaste...

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    It Takes A Village

    May Volunteer Ministry of the Month: Youth & Family Ministry “It takes a village to raise a child.” This African proverb places the responsibility on an entire community for interacting with children in a way that insures those children experience a safe and...

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    The Impeccable Word

    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” So begins the Gospel of John, which, like the Book of Genesis, contemplates the beginnings of all Creation. A close consideration reveals that, not only was the Word “in” the beginning,...

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    The Impossible Dream

    Among the emails I receive on a regular basis, one of my personal favorites comes from Licensed Unity Teacher, Mark Hicks, who is the designer, maintainer and birth parent of If you are not aware of the amazing website as a resource for all...

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    A Glass Of God

    Recently, I find myself becoming increasingly attuned to the way we tend to speak about spiritual concepts, especially around the idea of “One-ness.” More specifically, I am alert to those prayers, meditations, affirmations and sermons that, quite innocently, talk of...

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    The Paradox Of Everlasting Life

    If you are one of the dedicated and growing number of followers to our weekly blog, then you probably know that this is Holy Week. For Christians around the world, Holy Week starts with the Palm Sunday celebration of Jesus' triumphant entry to Jerusalem together with...

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    The Universal Christ

    Recently, I was fortunate to attend a conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The title of the conference was “The Universal Christ” from the book of the same name written by Father Richard Rohr who founded the Center for Action and Contemplation. Although I have read...

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    The Sacredness of Life

    March is one of my favorite months of the year. I love the blooming of the hyacinths, daffodils, and tulip trees. Then we are gifted with the lavender and white blossoming trees, which quickly lead to the budding of vibrant chartreuse leaves. It’s all a part of the...

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