Dear Friends,
The pure metaphysics of Unity teaches that each character in the Bible represents and aspect of our own nature. In I Chronicles 4:10, we find what has become known as “The Prayer of Jabez.” In the Revised Berkeley Version, the scripture reads: “Jabez appealed to the God of Israel, saying, ‘Wilt Thou grant me a true blessing and extend my boundaries; let Thy hand be with me, and keep calamity from me, so that no pain assails me,’ and God brought about what he had requested. Please join us this Sunday as we revisit this hidden gem from the Old Testament and its relevance to our lives today!
With Deep Love,

[wptab name=’Meditation’]

2014-08-03 Meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Affirmations – Bulletin’]


  • Today, I release any erroneous beliefs that limit my self-care, love and acceptance!
  • Today, I open myself to new learning and growing.
  • I graciously say, “Yes,!” to my divine inheritance!
  • My “territory” is expanded; my life is rich and full!
  • Thank you, Loving God, for sourcing me with all that I need.



Bulletin August 3, 2014

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Sunday Service MediaThe Prayer of Jabez, August 3, 2014