Our Blog

Two Worlds: Where Do You Live?

When we are babies, we are at the mercy of those around us and our environment. Everything is done to us and for us. When we grow up, we tend to maintain this model of thinking. We can engage in habitual thought processes that random events happen TO us. There is another way of living, if we can just change one thing.

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What is Your Great I AM?

In the Revealing Word, by Charles Fillmore, he tells us that “I AM” is our Spiritual Identity, our Christ Mind. The “I AM” is the metaphysical name of our spiritual self, as distinguished from our human self. So what is your great “I AM?”

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Living Unity Principles

Beginning with the premise that God is everywhere present, we know that it is impossible to be apart from God. It is impossible to be separate from our divine nature. There is no place where God is not.

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The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a spiritual practice. It is a daily habit that needs to be developed so that we are more aware of this present moment and our blessings. It is our awareness of Spirit as we move through each day. In a way, it is how we can pray without ceasing!

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Our Blog