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The Courage To Be Neutral

The first thing to know is that the neutrality Hakwins is speaking to is far from being passive and is actually a quite active creative power, allowing for flexibility and nonresistance. Neutrality is not the same as passivity, and it is certainly not the same as silence. Consciously active neutrality embodies the quintessential wisdom inherent in the Eastern proverb: Be like water.

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Practicing Meditation or Living Meditation

“Right” ritual in its beginning form is mostly helpful (it’s the formation of a “right” habit), but his warning was to be careful to not let the habit become habitual in its physical appearances. Wow, was my daily meditation practice becoming too habitual? Was I becoming too attached to the “physical” space that I needed to create? Was I too attached to past outcomes of my practice?

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The Twelve Powers: Elimination

The Twelve Powers, at first glance, may seem complex, but they are practical spiritual gifts that each person uses every day. My favorite of the Twelve Powers is Elimination. ELIMINATION is represented by the Disciple Thaddeus, the color russet and it’s center is located in the lower bowels. ELIMINATION is our ability to release negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs from our consciousness. ELIMINATION is also the ability to forgive and release others and our ability to forgive ourselves. Elimination is the least talked about of the 12 powers but it is incredibly important and we should be using this power each and every day.

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Time to Affirm

We all need to be affirmed, appreciated and noticed. It is a sign that we are being valued and honored as the unique expressions of God we are. To be affirming means to be aware and present with people. It also calls for an outward communication to them about your support.

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Reverential Listening

It has been said that the desire to be heard is among our greatest wants. We ache for this deep, rich connection with others. Reverential Listening, a term I heard Dr. Michael Beckwith use in his Life Visioning Process, is an art form that can be cultivated. And when practiced, it allows us to form an incredible bond with others.

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Lessons of the Seed and the Sower

One of the primary methods of Jesus’ teachings is through parables which are short stories meant to be personally interpreted and applied. These stories yield spiritual meaning from relatable, common topics. In the Christian scriptures, the Parable of the Sower appears in the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke.

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Two Worlds: Where Do You Live? Part 2

Last week, we talked about the model of the world that we learned as babies: events happen to us, and we don’t have much control over the events or the people in our lives. When we carry on with that kind of thinking into our adult lives, what a frustrating world that can be! Another way to view the world is to realize that events, things and people do affect us, but it is our internal beliefs and programs that create our reactions. This is where the fun begins!

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Decluttering Our Lives

I just want to share a couple of thoughts from Rev Steve Bolen’s message this past Sunday at Unity Church of the Hills. The subject was ‘decluttering our lives’ and of course Steve started out telling us this was not really about cleaning out our closets, although that does play a part. It is really about clearing out the clutter in our minds.

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