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Blessed Are The Peacemakers

In writing about peacemaking, Dr. Teel offers a powerful perspective that acknowledges the spiritual and creative power of truth principles that are available to us, while also reminding us that peacemaking is an inside job for which we must assume personal responsibility if we are to become peacemakers and assume our responsibilities as children of God.

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The Seven Pillars of Truth

Rick Busby sat down with Rev. Steve to talk about his experience with This Life Is Joy and to give a preview of what we can expect in the coming weeks. Below is a portion of their interview.

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Living The Truth We Know

In the practice of spending time in the silence, we connect with our own indwelling Christ Presence. Through this connection, we have access to the field of all divine knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. Connecting with this source, we become aware of the power of our own creative potential. However, simply having access to this source does not guarantee we will be successful in actually demonstrating and expressing our fullest spiritual potential, even if we hear the truth of it while “lowly listening.”

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Being A Catalyst For Peace

Without a doubt, peace is my favorite word. To me, peace is more than just a pleasant sounding word, peace is the experience I seek more than any other in my life. It would be fair to say that peace is the reason behind every choice I make. For the record, I am not saying that every choice I make leads to the experience of peace. I still have some work to do before achieving that goal. However, I am saying that peace is the goal, or the end game as it were, of all of my thoughts, words and actions.

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Do You Agree?

As the Spirit Groups come to the end of their exploration of Catherine Ponder’s book, Open To Receive, Licensed Unity Teacher Bonnie Gale reflected on her experience. After completing the book, Bonnie was inspired to look deeper within her own self into the nature of the “agreements” that we make with ourselves, others, the world at large and even with God

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The Universal Language of Healing

A recent article published in Scientific American, titled “Music Can Heal the Brain,” explored new therapies that are using “rhythm, beat and melody to help patients recover language, hearing, motion and emotion.” There is an accumulating body of scientific research that supports the premise that “music therapy” is much more than just a nice, buzz phrase of the times.

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The Twelve Powers: Understanding

The first idea to understand about spiritual understanding is that no one ever attains it without first striving for it. As Charles Fillmore emphasizes in The Twelve Powers, each of our creative faculties of mind is a potential power.

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The Twelve Powers: Zeal

According to Charles Fillmore, Unity’s Co-Founder, Zeal, our tenth faculty or power of man, is the underlying power which motivates us into forward action. It seems that without zeal no one would accomplish much of anything. Fillmore also tells us that to be without zeal is to be without a zest for living.

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