Our Blog

The Power of Spiritual Strength

In this week’s blog, Licensed Unity Teacher, Rick Busby continues our series on “The Twelve Powers” by exploring Charles Fillmore’s presentation on the power of spiritual strength and its connection to Unity Principles.

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I Am Home

In this week's blog entry entitled, "I Am Home," Licensed Unity Teacher Rick Busby continues our new series "Coming Home" with a personal...

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The Language of Spiritual Intuition

Spiritual intuition is too often misunderstood. We sometimes confuse it as something fanciful, way out there and far-fetched. However, intuition is not merely a superstition or some strange magic. It is the divine urge of our inner God.

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Coming Home

This was my sixth Path dinner, including the dinner for my own graduating Path class. I am always struck by the common theme of healing from religious wounds shared by so many of the graduates. Many, if not most of us, who have found our way to Unity and New Thought have done so in some part to recover from old models of God, which fostered misunderstandings around the nature of our own being in relationship to the Divine.

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Spiritual Principles Are Principled, Too! – Part 1

In this week’s blog entry, I will test the first two of Unity’s five truth principles against the first two fundamental principles of principle to see if they apply and support their status as truth principles. In next week’s blog, I will address Unity Principles 3, 4 and 5 against the other three principles of principle.

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The Principles of Principle – Part 1

From that moment forward, the five principles truly came alive for me. I began writing about them, speaking of them, referring to them in conversations with family, friends and associates. For the first time in my life, I had a concise means of articulating the most fundamental truths in which I believed.

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Our Blog