Our Blog

Walking The Unity Talk

Over the next couple of months or so, I will be exploring Unity’s five principles in a series of articles titled “Walking the Unity Talk.” This week’s article serves to introduce the series and to set the intention for the articles that follow.

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Honest Doubt: Another Side of Faith

In Unity, we are encouraged to read, to listen, to seek and to question. Unity teachings invite us to expand our heart’s understanding, to know for ourselves that God’s Truth is within and being revealed to us on an ongoing basis. When Charles and Myrtle Fillmore were teaching, they looked on points of disagreement merely as opportunities for everyone to be free to find Truth for themselves.

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A Meditation On Inner Peace

In his talk this past Sunday morning, Rev. Steve created an experience on inner peace, which included a meditation on inner peace led by Licensed Unity Teacher, Rick Busby. We received several requests to publish the transcript of Rick’s meditation, so we are presenting it in full as this week’s blog article.

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An Invitation To Peace

The primary objective of A Course In Miracles is to teach the lessons necessary for the attainment of peace, not world peace, but rather inner peace on a personal level. Among the key concepts used to achieve this goal is identifying the “obstacles to peace” so they may be overcome.

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Are Affirmations Truly Powerful?

Are affirmations truly powerful? The short answer is, absolutely! However, the deeper truth is that we use affirmations every day, all day anyway. Every word we speak is an affirmation. The variable is: what reality are we affirming with our words? Licensed Unity Teacher, Bonnie Gale explores the true nature and power of affirmations.

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