Eight-Week Sunday Series

Sundays, August 6 – September 24; 9:25 & 11:25 a.m. Services

You are invited to join us over the next eight weeks for an exploration of “Our Authentic Spiritual Journey.” All of us are on a spiritual journey. It both gives our life meaning and value, and serves as a tool to uncover our meaning and direction. Each journey is unique and integral to who we have come here to be in the world.

Join us as we deepen our awareness and understanding of our individual journeys, as well as the compassion and connection that helps us honor the journey of our friends, neighbors and the rest of humanity.

Learn more about the series on our Facebook Events page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1616491518402961/


Our Authentic Spiritual Journey


News & AnnouncementsOur Authentic Spiritual Journey