As powerful beings, we are always creating the situations that show up in our lives. We are constantly balancing our “outer” desires by our inner negative thoughts and feelings, therefore not demonstrating our true desires. This week we will explore how to put our power to good use by our ability to “Name and Claim our Good!” I hope you will join us in this energy of positive creation. I look forward to seeing you!
All my love,
Rev. Donna
Robert Withrow, LUT was our guest speaker today.  Rev. Donna was called out of town unexpectedly.  Bob will talking about being covered in the dust of your Rabbi.

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2014-09-21 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-09-21 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.

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[wptab name=’Affirmations and Bulletin’]


  • Divine creativity assures my success.
  • The possibility of the New heavens and the New earth is wrapped in every act of Life!
  • I stay focused on who I want to be in the world.
  • I praise and give thanks for the new self-manifesting God of abundance that fulfills every desire of my heart.
  • I live each day from the Love of God within me.


Bulletin 9-21-2014

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Sunday Service MediaIn the Dust of Your Rabbi – Sept 21