We honor your child’s path to spiritual maturity by providing a well-rounded spiritual curriculum designed to reach each child’s age and level of understanding.
Youth Education classes are held during the 11:00 Service. Youth Education for ages 18 months -18 years is provided. The Nursery in the Main Building is open for infants 6 weeks – 17 months.

Youth Education Age Groups & Classrooms
Youth Education classes are held during the 11:30 Service. Youth Education classes for children ages 18 months -18 years is provided. The Nursery in the Main Building is open for infants 6 weeks – 17 months.
The Nursery in the Main Building is open for infants 6 weeks – 17 months.
Ages 18 months to 3 years old
Childcare is provided in the main building, Room 133.
Ages 4 -5 years
Childcare is provided in the main building, Room 133.
Grades 1-5
Classes are held in Unity Oaks, Room 201.

Grades 6-8
Classes are meeting in Unity Oaks in Room 202.
Each Sunday our Jr High students have the opportunity to:
- Learn about Unity Principles and be involved in spiritual activities
- Have social interaction with other Jr High School age students and loving, committed volunteers
- Discover, explore and develop their inner Christ potential in an atmosphere of openness, freedom and unconditional love
- Discuss with other truth-oriented Jr High age students the challenges that they face in growing up and becoming independent
- Join the Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) the 1st Sunday of each month to smooth the transition from Uniteens to Y.O.U. upon the end of 8th Grade

Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.)
Grades 9-12
Our high school youth group is meeting in Unity Oaks in Room 203.
Each Sunday our teens have the opportunity to:
- Be involved in spiritual activities
- Have social interaction with other teens and adults sponsors
- Receive encouragement from other teens
- Have a safe place to be heard and respected, to stretch and grow
- Discover, explore and develop their inner Christ potential in an atmosphere of openness, freedom and unconditional love
- Discuss with other truth-oriented teenagers, the challenges that everyone faces in growing up and becoming independent
- Have fun, plan activities and serve others with a group of accepting friends
- Participate in regional and international gatherings where they can get to know other teens from Unity churches in their areas and from all over the world
Classroom Lessons
The lessons each Sunday focus on reinforcing the idea that God is within us, around us, everywhere present and that we are loved unconditionally. We also begin to establish a basic understanding of the Bible and how the stories in the Bible reflect Unity Principles. Other sacred writings and contemporary children’s stories are also used. The children are encouraged to connect with their inner wisdom and to live the Truth they know.
Unity Curriculum Features
- Grounded in Unity principles and concepts.
- Provide choices within the lessons.
- Include prayers and meditations.
- Use effective questioning strategies.
- Address multiple learning styles so all can participate.
- Provide lively creative experiences related to the discussion and help deepen learning.
A Living Curriculum
A Living Curriculum is an approach or philosophy which affirms that what is to be learned or known, already lives within the adult, child or teen. It moves us past the belief that teachers have all the answers and need to impart them to the students. Instead, there is a realization that all of us are uniquely unfolding on our spiritual path, having access to the Spirit within.
The Living Curriculum is a process of spiritual support used to assist children, teens, families, and the church community in co-creating successful living. It honors the inherent wholeness and wisdom within each one of us, and uses storytelling and experiential creative expression to “draw out” the Truth we already know. The process helps us to explore spiritual principles and to become aware of how the principles operate in our lives.
To assist in creating a meaningful, effective experience or lesson using the Living Curriculum philosophy, the following process is used:
The Issue – What is the issue, theme or principle that is to be explored? An intention is created for each lesson that will assist the children and teens in engaging both their head and their heart.
The Vehicle – The vehicle (story, video clip, song, poem, life experience, etc.) is the experience that creates the common ground so that everyone present can feel a connection to the lesson intention.
Creating common ground also helps the group to bond and to know that they are not the only one to experience such life issues.
The Discussion – The discussion is the heart of each lesson. The questions used invite the children and teens to see how the issue is happening to the characters in the story, how it is happening in their lives and in the world around them. This helps them come to their own conclusions as to how to experience life from a deeper, more connected place.
The Creative Experience – The creative experiences are open ended activities that invite the children and teens to play in what they have heard and shared and to explore how it is relevant to their lives.