Dear Friends,

We are winding through our “Journey of Coherence,” focused on “Living a Heart-Based Life.” Part of our journey every Fall is also asking each of us who are part of this spiritual community to make a commitment to our giving for the year ahead. The Intention Cards that we complete allow us to sit with God and determine what is ours to do in our financial giving in the year to come. This action serves as an affirmation that God is our Source and encourages the deepening of our faith in the principle of giving and receiving. It also helps our Church leadership in its role of serving as good financial stewards for the coming year.

The lesson this weekend is “Love Is Letting Go of Fear.” Our inherent nature is immersed in peace and love. Fear gets in the way of our feeling that truth and living from it. We will explore this idea, and be reminded of a tool that helps us let go of fear and live more fully in love. Please join us.

With Love,

Rev. Steve

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Meditation November 10, 2013 from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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1. I trust in the orderly unfolding of my life.

2. I trust that God’s Love is abundantly available to all.

3. I live, move and have my being in a world of infinite love and possibility.

4. The knowing of God lights my way; I am free of fear.

5. Thank You Living, Loving Spirit for peace, clarity and all good!

Bulletin 11-10-2013


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Sunday Service MediaLove Is Letting Go of Fear – November 10