Dear Friends,

Thank you for your robust response to giving here at UCOH! Please take a look on Sunday at the progress we are making to “Restoring Our Reserves” campaign. Bless you all!

This Sunday, I will focus on three ideas that can help equip us to “handle” the news that comes our way, close to home and far away. You may have heard the term, or seen a T-shirt or other sign with the words, “Keep Calm and…” The phrase is completed with everything from “Eat Chocolate” to “Remember to Breathe.” To the spiritually-minded, the thought, “Keep Calm” can quickly take us to “Get Centered” or “Think God.” Please join us for what I believe will be a useful message, designed to help you and me to “Keep Calm,” and make a greater difference in a world that can sure use it.

With Deep Love,
Rev. Steve

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2014-08-10 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-08-10 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • My good comes to me from God, steadily and constantly.
  • I have all the time I need to do what is mine to do.
  • I visualize myself in the flow of all that God is.
  • I honor my ageless nature by living with gratitude and enthusiasm.
  • Speaking of gratitude, thank You, God, than You very much!


Bulletin August 10, 2014


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Sunday Service MediaKeep Calm And … August 10