Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! God is here! God is here with unconditional love for all of us. God is here with all the wisdom and guidance that we need to ensure this year will be our best yet. Through daily contact in meditation and prayer, we will become more aware of God’s Loving Presence. And by placing our attention on God, on Life, on Joy and Love and vibrating with those qualities, we will draw more experiences that reflect them in our lives. Now is a good time to ground ourselves in gratitude for this Divine Order that is around and within us.

This Sunday is White Stone Sunday. It is our tradition here at Unity Church of the Hills to begin the year on our first Sunday together with a forward look as we open ourselves to Spirit to reveal to us individually a word or phrase that can serve as a touchstone for the new year. Please join us.

With deep Love,

Rev. Steve

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2014-01-05 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2014-01-05 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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1. I surrender to the sweet, luminous love of God!

2. A consciousness of gratitude and deep appreciation carries me on its wings!

3. I am happy, healthy, whole and well!

4. With enthusiasm and joy, I anticipate and a embrace a beautiful 2014!

5. Thank You Mother-Father God for Your instant, constant, unconditional love!



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Sunday Service MediaJanuary 5, 2014 – Growing in God