Unity’s fifth principle states “Knowing and understanding these Spiritual Principles, also called Truth, is not enough. We must live them.” At Unity Church of the Hills, we understand that spiritual growth and joyous, abundant living is about much more than attending weekly services. It’s about creating meaningful connections, expressing your authentic self, sharing love and making a difference. Explore the various pathways that Unity Church of the Hills offers to help you deepen your connection and sense of community.
Small Groups
Small Groups provide an avenue for meaningful dialogue and mutual support. They can consist of 2-3 people gathering consistently to discuss the Sunday message to more formal groups, such as our Spirit Circles which meet for 5-6 weeks at a time around a particular topic. Our Spirit Circles have studied everything from Emmet Fox’s The Sermon on the Mount to Dr. Roger Teel’s This Life is Joy. While the content supports group learning, it’s the connections formed that are at the heart of our Spirit Circles.
Unity in the Community
In Unity, we feel a sacred responsibility, individually and collectively, to make a positive difference through personal example and spiritual social action in our communities and our world. This is achieved through our Unity in the Community Outreach Ministry. Through prayer, positive community-building and serving others, we demonstrate that we truly are one. Together, we can create a world that works for all. Learn more about activities to get involved.
Volunteer Opportunities are as varied as the people who participate. Our goal is to help each volunteer to share their gifts and talents in a way that is spiritually-fulfilling and rewarding. There is a place for everyone to share their gifts and talents in our dynamic spiritual home. It would be our honor to help you find the right and perfect volunteer opportunity for you.
Community Groups
Group life is integral to why so many call Unity Church of the Hills home. Our Community Groups gather around a common interest or affinity and include groups like A Course in Miracles, Rainbow Fellowship, and Men’s Fellowship, to name a few. Learn about all of the Community Groups and begin connecting with like-minded people today.