Dear Friends,

Have you stopped to think lately about how generous the Universe is that we live in? I’m looking at a picture made by our beautiful brother, Rick Shores, of an abundant field of bluebonnets. I’m reminded that the rains of this Fall will support these precious flowers in the coming Spring. This serves as a metaphor for me. The seeds of plenty live in each of us – to bring forth plenty of what we need as human beings and plenty of what we need as the instruments of Spirit. Our gratitude to God, to the Love we share, to the plethora of good all around us is the “rain” that nourishes our consciousness. I want to explore this concept of “Our Generous God” with you this Sunday. I am so grateful for you and for our spiritual community of UCOH!

With deep love,
Rev. Steve


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October 5, 2014 Meditation from Unity Church of the Hills from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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October 5, 2014 Our Generous God at Unity Church of the Hills from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • There is One Life, that Life is God, that Life is my life now.
  • I nurture the Genius that creates through me.
  • I am quickened by the ever-present power of God in me.
  • I am now standing in the Divine flow of God’s good.
  • Thank You, All-providing, All-generous God!


Bulletin 10-05-2014


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Sunday Service MediaA Generous God, October 5, 2014