Dear Friends:

Happy Valentine’s Day! It is most appropriate to be speaking of Love this “Valentine’s weekend!” My title for the 9:25 and 11:25 lesson is “When the Spirit of Love Comes Calling.” The scriptural inspiration is from II Timothy – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of good discipline.” It is one of my favorite quotes from the Apostle Paul who relied on this power to accomplish amazing things in the face of many adversities. For us in our lives today, it is a reminder of love’s true power to heal and bless and lift us higher. Please join us.

I love you,
Rev. Steve


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2015-02-15 Meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2015-02-15 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Bulletin 2-15-2015


  • I gratefully acknowledge the pure presence and power of  Unconditional Love.
  • This Love has come to call and I willingly open the door to receive it.
  • I am enfolded, blessed and embraced by God’s Holy Spirit.
  • Centered in the Kingdom of God within me, I send love into the world.
  • Thank You, God. You lift me up and heal me completely!​


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Sunday Service MediaFeb 15, 2015 – When the Spirit of Love Comes Calling