Dear Friends:

Who would have expected temps in the 70s a few days after winter seemed so hard upon us here in Central Texas? What other pleasant things have happened in your life recently that were unexpected? Perhaps a gift or a surprise visit from a friend? Spiritual principle tells us to “expect” to come into our lives what we hold as predominant thoughts and feelings, but part of the spice of life is not knowing how these (good) things will show up. There is a certain sense of “magic” in having a mindset of expecting the unexpected as it relates to the good that is waiting to flow in our lives. We know that the Field of Infinite Possibilities is filled with an infinite variety of manifestations that can amaze, amuse and please us.

Join us this Sunday as we explore this idea and learn a powerful mantra for manifesting a storehouse of unexpected abundance in our lives.

In Love and Gratitude,
Rev. Steve

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Meditation at Unity Church of the Hills 2-01-2015 from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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Expecting the Unexpected, Feb 1, 2015 with Rev. Steve Bolen from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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  • Courageously, I am attentive to my inner life.
  • Gratefully, I release the past to where it belongs…in the past.
  • I fully and consistently employ, wit deep feeling, two powerful words—Thank You!
  • I joyfully and enthusiastically expect unexpected good in my life!
  • Thank You, Living Loving God, for my rich abundant and beautiful life!


Bulletin 02-01-2015

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Sunday Service MediaExpecting the Unexpected, Feb 1, 2015