A Congregant’s Thoughts on the Sunday Message
I just want to share a couple of thoughts from Rev Steve Bolen’s message this past Sunday at Unity Church of the Hills. The subject was ‘decluttering our lives’ and of course Steve started out telling us this was not really about cleaning out our closets, although that does play a part. It is really about clearing out the clutter in our minds. He used the term get ‘un-stuffed,’ which then leads to us getting ‘un-stuck’ on our life journey. What we hold onto reflects our consciousness, what we value and what we most fear, e.g., loss, lack, limitations. When we let go of what we don’t need anymore, we can move forward with grace and ease. He noted we could call this Spiritual Right-sizing. Which takes us to something that I have written about before – our real purpose in this human experience: to love and be loved.
Rev. Steve described how he had intentionally ‘sat with Spirit’ because he was not feeling quite right about the ‘extending love’ part, noting that the experience of loving those close to us, those that are easy to love is great, but how about those that annoy us, seem completely opposed to what we believe is right, or are just plain mean (in our view). How do we adjust our feelings, our loving feelings, toward them? And not just what we might say, but what is truly in our mind about these folks. So, hold this truth: negative feelings are fear based, positive feelings are Love based, and Love is what is creative, which, if we are honest, is what we all want to be. Thank you Steve!