Dear Amazing Souls,

We’re privileged to have Dr. Joe Dispenza back with us this weekend. He will provide the two-day Progressive Workshop on Friday and Saturday, and will speak at our 9:30AM Sunday Celebration Service. More on this can be found below.

I will bring the message “Dancing with the Divine” at the 11:30 Service. Rev. Eileen will conduct the 8AM Service.

The flow of Spirit is constant and is always calling us to let more of It’s flow, well, flow in our lives. We are divinely designed to experience and express great love, ease and grace in the world. Holding on to what is “not ours” blocks the flow. Letting go is natural, though it may feel foreign at times. Join us this weekend for mutual loving support in “dancing” with the Divine in you.

With Love,

Rev. Steve


[wptab name=’Meditation’]

2014-01-19 meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’9:30am Sermon with Dr. Joe’]

2014-01-19 Dispenza Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Sermon’]

2014-01-19 Rev Steve Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Audio’]


9:30am Sermon

11:30am Service


[wptab name=’Bulletin and Affirmations’]


  • God and I are one!
  • In wisdom and in love, I keep what is mine, and let go of what is not mine…
  • …no congestion, only flow.
  • I dance with the Divine in me, and it is beautiful…
  • Beautiful God, thank you!

Bulletin 01-19-2014


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Sunday Service MediaDancing with the Divine – Jan 19, 2014