Crossing the Road for One Another

Dear Friends,

I know you join me in thanking our Youth and their support teams for bringing us such beautiful and inspiring services this past Sunday.   
Henri Nouwen, a contemporary Dutch-born priest, writer and professor wrote “We become neighbors when we are willing to cross the road for one another.” I was struck by those words. I first heard them just after a time in our church when we had done “much crossing of the road.” I want to talk about that this Sunday and how, when we do this, authentically, here and especially out in our respective daily lives, we not only learn more about the one across the road, but we discover a deeper part of ourselves. The light of our own heart grows brighter. Please joins us on Sunday.
With deep love,

[wptab name=’Meditation’]

meditation 1 from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


[wptab name=’Sermon’]

Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Affirmations – Bulletin’]


  • The light of a new day is dawning in my consciousness.
  • I walk, serene and secure.
  • One Love shines within us all.
  • As a Child of God, I rightfully claim my full inheritance!
  • Thank You, All-Loving and All-Present Mother-Father God.



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Sunday Service MediaCrossing the Road for One Another, July 27, 2014