Dear Friends,

Thank you for giving yourself the gift of attending the Sunday Services and/or Prosperity Workshop with Rev. Edwene Gaines. I have had some great feedback from a number of you. “My favorite quote from her morning talk is “What starts in vagueness, stays in vagueness!”  Thank you Edwene, for imparting your wisdom here at UCOH!

This Sunday’s title is from the Gospels of Luke and Matthew where Jesus is reminding us to “Consider the lilies of the field,” how beautifully they are “clothed.” Then he leads us to the essential message, that we are not to worry about the things of the day but are to be assured that God always provides. And the “magic” key, if you will, is to focus first on God, to “seek first the Kingdom.” As we launch into another Season for Peace, we can know that God’s Peace underlies and stands behind everything and everyone regardless of the appearances. As we make seeking God first, our mantra, that Peace is revealed to us and through us. See you Sunday!

I love you,

Rev. Steve

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meditation from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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2015-01-25 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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[wptab name=’Affirmations and Bulletin’]


  • With my thoughts centered on God, I choose to be a power for good in the world.
  • My heart and mind are filled with deep gratitude and my life reflects it!
  • The healing power of God’s love enfolds me, and every cell in my body smiles!
  • Abundance and prosperity are my birthright. I claim them now!
  • Thank You, Loving God, for You are the Truth that sets me free!


Bulletin 01-25-2015


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Sunday Service MediaConsider the Lilies, Jan 25, 2015