Dear Friends,

This Sunday we conclude the Seven Part Journey of Coherence Series with what we traditionally call “Commitment Sunday.” Of course, committing to living the spiritual life is an ongoing thing, we keep at it – as in the wisdom of Alcoholics Anonymous, “one day at a time.”

Last week, I introduced, as a support for our Coherence/Heart-Based Living focus, the lessons found in Dr. Gerald Jampolsky’s classic, Love Is Letting Go of Fear – a bridge spanning our final Sundays in the series and including our “Gratitude Sunday” on Nov. 24. These twelve simple but powerful reminders help us traverse that critical fourteen inches from our heads to live from the power and the wisdom of our hearts.

You are asked to prayerfully consider completing and bringing to our 8AM, 9:30 or 11:30 Sunday services, an Intention Card available here or the bulletin. The amount you choose to give is between you and God. We teach here that giving of our financial good is an act of faith that blesses the giver and the receiver. All giving from the heart is win/win.

Thank you for your commitment to your spiritual path – every important aspect of it. Thank you for your support of this beloved community with your time, talent and treasure. Unity Church of the Hills is simply an out picturing of the collective love and intention and generosity of committed and caring souls like you. And like you, it is a needed Light in this world!

Bless you,

Rev. Steve

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2013-11-17 Sermon from Unity Church of the Hills on Vimeo.


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1. I am determined to see things differently.

2. With commitment and intention I open my mind to plenty and receive with gratitude.

3. I am permanently prospered through my oneness in God!

4. Love is my natural state of being; it shines through all I do!

5. Thank You Loving God for all Your support –seen and unseen!

Bulletin 11-17-2013




Sunday Service MediaCommitting to Heart-Based Living November 17, 2013