July Summer Fun Sunday Themes

Just for fun, we invite you to join in some silly Summer Sunday shenanegins! Each Sunday in July, we’ll have a theme. Get creative, come to church dressed according to the theme and share in the smiles! Here’s the Sunday themes:

Laura McIntyre

Secretary Laura has attended Unity churches since the late 80’s and became a Course in Miracles student after reading Marianne Williamson’s book “Return to Love”. Around 2005, Laura was blown away by the energy, joy and sense of connection she felt at UCOH,...

Neil Feiereisel

Vice President In the fall of 1995, my wife Jennifer and I walked into UCOH’s very first service as newcomers. Youth Education volunteers lovingly received our 2-year-old daughter Amy and infant son Evan. The spiritual message and music resonated deeply in our hearts,...

Our Divine Identity

Do you know who you are?  Do you know why you exist?  Do you know whose you are? These seem like simple questions, and yet the answers can be so elusive.  Indeed, these are questions that people of all faith-traditions have asked for millennia – and the...

Calling All Outstanding Library Books!

Whether you’ve had a UCOH book for 3 weeks or 3 years, we’d like it back. Just place it in the wicker basket by the door to room 129 and our librarians will do the rest. No late fines involved.  We are so grateful for your book returns, the spiritual/metaphysical...

Sylvia Powell

Trustee My first introduction to Unity was December 31, 2000. I’d been divorced that year. I hadn’t attended a church beyond infrequent visits to a Catholic church as a child and spot visits to non-denominational churches with well-meaning friends. The messages that...