Your Spiritual Remote – February 2

Dear Friends, What if you possessed a kind of Universal “Spiritual” Remote, one that could, properly used, allow you to “surf” through your life with more ease and grace? Perhaps we do have such a thing. It could be a place in our minds where we, for example, hit the...

Dancing with the Divine – Jan 19, 2014

Dear Amazing Souls, We’re privileged to have Dr. Joe Dispenza back with us this weekend. He will provide the two-day Progressive Workshop on Friday and Saturday, and will speak at our 9:30AM Sunday Celebration Service. More on this can be found below. I will bring the...

Walking in Both Worlds – January 12, 2013

Dear Friends, A dear friend recently gifted me The Book of Awakening – Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have, by  Mark Nepo. It is filled with everyday wisdom. In one writing he shares,  “Let the opposing voices in your head speak. They are...

January 5, 2014 – Growing in God

Dear Friends, Happy New Year! God is here! God is here with unconditional love for all of us. God is here with all the wisdom and guidance that we need to ensure this year will be our best yet. Through daily contact in meditation and prayer, we will become more aware...

December 29, 2013 – Everyday Blessings

Dear Friends, Can you believe it? Christmas has come and gone. Whether it was filled with family and friends or, as my friend described, “a quiet, mellow day”, I hope your Holiday was blessed with love. As another year draws to a close, we naturally...
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