Worship, Healing & Aligning

This morning, I was reading the book, The Master Key to Every Kingdom — Grace and became instantly captivated. Written by Crichton Russ Boatwright, the words were so sparkling and the language so lyrical, I lost myself in the experience. Even before I grasped the...

Let There Be Light

In Unity teachings, the creative power of the Word, or Logos, is foundational. Everything that comes into being, or is made manifest in our lives, is the effect and consequence of the words we speak. The words we speak are the extension of the thoughts and feelings we...

The Wholeness Of You

This past Sunday, Rev. Kristen presented Part 2 of the “Healed” series, which is also the basis for this week’s Spirit Group meetings. Rev. Kristen built on the themes of mental and emotional healing explored in Part 1, taking them deeper into an...

The Universal Language of Healing

One of the traditional descriptors for Unity teachings is ‘Practical Christianity.’ For spiritual seekers and truth students, Unity offers “practical tools” inspired by the teachings of Jesus to assist them in their spiritual journeys. For example, through...