by UCOH webmaster
With grateful hearts we present the 2024 generous items that will be up for Auction during our Imagine: Illuminating Possibilities Fall Fundraiser on Saturday September 28th! Make plans to join us for this 1970s themed evening! Get more information about the evening...
by UCOH webmaster
Dear Spiritual Friends, We are delighted to have you as a friend in Unity Church of the Hills, and as such, we want to provide you updates on our current financial status. Some 35 or so of our spiritual family attended our Financial Update meeting right after Sunday...
by UCOH webmaster
The countdown is on for the 2024 UCOH Annual Fundraiser: Imagine! Illuminating Possibilities, to be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024, on our campus grounds. This inspiring and meaningful event is a time for us to joyfully gather to invest in and IMAGINE for...
by UCOH webmaster
CORE VALUES Spirit-Centered: being led by Source; from which everything begins and returns. We honor the many names for God, the many paths to God, the many ways of experiencing God. We embrace all experiences as opportunities for transformation. We listen...
by UCOH webmaster
As a first step in hiring a new minister, the Board will be forming a Search Team. We are looking for committed members of UCOH to serve on this team over the coming 7-12 months. It will require a significant time commitment during that period to ensure we find the...