The Joy Of Transformation

As the month of December dawns, the community at Unity Church of the Hills enters the final month of our year-long “Journey of Transformation.” This past year has brought major changes, not only within the UCOH community itself, but also in the world at...

Everyday Gratitude

Each year as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, we tend to make more time to consciously count our blessings and express our gratitude. More than at any other time of the year, we become willing to take stock of all the things in our lives for which we are grateful,...

Teach Only Love For That Is What You Are

This past Sunday, I had the honor and privilege of standing in for Revs. Brian and Kristen while they were out of town attending a family wedding in Seattle. In the talk, titled “Love In Action,” I talked about the need for us to develop a “language...

The Language of Oneness

One week ago today, I was contacted by Rev. Sondra von Gyllenband at Unity Church in New Braunfels who asked if I was available to stand in for her at this past Sunday’s services. She had developed a respiratory infection and did not believe she would recover in...

Love In Action – Part II

In last week’s blog post, “Love In Action – Part 1,” I referenced Lesson 61 from A Course In Miracles: I am the light of the world. As ACIM points out, this is true for all of us, not just some of us. I am the light of the world. You are the...
Author: Rick Busby, LUT