The Greatest Love Of All

This is the final week in the 5-Part “Healed” series that Revs. Brian and Kristen have been presenting, which has also been the basis of the Spirit Group meetings over the past month. This past Sunday in Rev. Brian’s talk on healing our...

The Wholeness Of You

This past Sunday, Rev. Kristen presented Part 2 of the “Healed” series, which is also the basis for this week’s Spirit Group meetings. Rev. Kristen built on the themes of mental and emotional healing explored in Part 1, taking them deeper into an...

The Courage To Come From Within

This past Sunday, Rev. Kristen kicked off the new 5-week series, “Healed,” with a dynamic presentation that focused on mental and emotional healing as a strategy for cultivating an experience of balance and wholeness in our lives. The “Healed”...

Getting to Know…John Camden

In this week’s UCOH Blog, we debut “Getting To Know…,” a new series of articles written by UCOH’s own Mike Gadell. On every fourth Thursday of the month, Mike will publish an article that profiles a member of the UCOH spiritual community....

Reimagining Courage

This past Sunday morning, I had the privilege of presenting the Opening Prayer at the 9:25 and 11:25 services. If you were in attendance, you may recall that the word courage was at the heart of the preface to my prayer, and that my prayer called for us to be willing...
Author: Rick Busby, LUT