The Principles of Principle – Part 1

Unlike many other Christian traditions, Unity has no dogmatic creed in which one must profess their faith in order to be a member. While Unity is decidedly Christian in its orientation, it does not teach in a top down, hierarchical manner. There is no rigidly codified...

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.” – Matthew 5:9 This past Sunday, Reverend Steve presented the first part of a 4-part series based on “The Seven Pillars of Truth” from Dr. Roger Teel’s book This Life Is Joy. In writing about...

The Seven Pillars of Truth

An Interview with Rev. Steve Bolen This coming Sunday, September 25th, UCOH’s Reverend Steve Bolen will present the first in a 4-part series exploring “The Seven Pillars of Truth” as described in the book, This Life Is Joy by Dr. Roger Teel. Parallel...

Living The Truth We Know

According to renowned Unity minister and author Eric Butterworth, the great challenge of our age is the virtual absence of meditation from our daily lives. Butterworth describes meditation as the “art of lowly listening.” In Unity, the fourth principle teaches that...

Being A Catalyst For Peace

As we publish this week’s blog, members of the UCOH community are nearing the conclusion of a 24-hour prayer vigil, which culminates with the annual World Day of Prayer Service at 7:30 in the sanctuary. This year, UCOH’s theme is “Being Catalysts For...
Author: Rick Busby, LUT