An Invitation To Peace

The primary objective of A Course In Miracles is to teach the lessons necessary for the attainment of peace, not world peace, but rather inner peace on a personal level. Among the key concepts used to achieve this goal is identifying the “obstacles to peace” so they...

Faith & New Beginnings

A new year is the archetype symbol for new beginnings. It is also the perfect moment to rely on the creative power of our faith. Why? Because the power of faith is the single best creative faculty we have for embracing the inevitable changes that new beginnings bring....

Got Transformation?

Got transformation? Well, Unity Church of the Hills has it. In fact, the church’s theme for 2017 is “A Year of Transformation.” Last weekend, the UCOH community celebrated the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 with a Saturday evening Burning Bowl...

The Mystery of Mysteries

In The Twelve Powers, Charles Fillmore describes the generative power of life as the ultimate “mystery of mysteries” in the consciousness of humankind. If you think about it for a moment, it is easy to see his point. After all, scientific inquiry has been plumbing the...

The Spiritual Gift of Love

When I woke this morning, I had no idea what I was going to be writing about in this week’s blog entry. However, I don’t tend to be too concerned when this happens. As a creative person and a student of Unity teachings, I know that divine, inspired ideas are always...
Author: Rick Busby, LUT