Keeping Unity Wide Open

At the Unity People’s Convention 2017, held last week in San Antonio, the theme was “Keep Unity Wide Open”. Based on the workshops, seminars, keynotes, musical events, and the optimistic enthusiasm of those in attendance, it is certain the Unity...

Peace Is The End Game

Peace is my favorite word. Seriously, out of every word I could possibly choose, without a doubt, my favorite is peace. As a word, peace not only sounds pleasant, but to me, it also feels like the experience it defines. Even more than just the way it sounds and feels,...

The Miracle of Disillusionment

Have you ever been disillusioned? Of course, you have. Everyone has. Disillusionment occurs in those life moments when something we had previously believed to be true is revealed to be an illusion, a lie. We had placed our faith in the world being a certain way, only...

The Power of Your Word

In Charles Fillmore’s metaphysical classic The Twelve Powers, he delineates twelve inner creative faculties with which each one of us is divinely endowed. Among these are the powers of love, faith, imagination, understanding, wisdom and will. We also have powers...

These Truths Are Made For Walking

This is the ninth and final installment in the “Walking the Unity Talk” series exploring how to live the Unity Principles in our lives. In this article, we conclude with an exploration of Unity’s Fifth Principle, which I style as the call to action principle....
Author: Rick Busby, LUT