Love In Action – Part I

This Sunday, Rev. Brian Grandon continues the five-part series, “The Playground of Life,” in a talk titled “Being Love.” The series has been exploring the work of Dr. David Hawkins, and this week’s talk, which focuses on the power of love, represents the nexus point...

From Pride To Neutrality

This past Sunday, Rev. Brian Grandon delivered the second part in a five part series titled “The Playground of Life,” based on the work of Dr. David Hawkins. In Rev. Brian’s talk, titled “Moving Into Courage,” he spoke of the experience...

Walking The Unity Talk In Social Media

Every single day, the world offers opportunities for us to get upset and lose our peace. Between the natural disasters, political chaos, social injustices, terrorist events, mass murders, institutional corruption, health care concerns, the threat of nuclear war, and a...

Are You A Soul Writer?

Are you a soul writer? I ask that question in the full knowledge that you may not perceive yourself to be any kind of a writer, much less a soul writer. What is a soul writer anyway? We’ll get to the “soul” part later. For now, let’s address the second part first: are...

The Divinity of You

You are a Divine Child of God. Let me repeat that once more. YOU are a Divine Child of God! Take that in for a moment. Seriously, I invite you to consciously pause for a moment, and breathe in the reality of this simple statement of truth. You are a Divine Child of...
Author: Rick Busby, LUT