Reopening Update – May 20, 2021

UCOH COVID UPDATE: UCOH will be COMPLETELY OPEN by Sunday, June 6! On Sunday we meditated to this new awareness: Change is the Embodiment of the Divine. Knowing this truth, we are excited to share UCOH’s expansion plan for those who want to attend services in person....

Reopening Update – May 15, 2021

Many of you are aware of the recent COVID update from the CDC regarding masks for those individuals who are vaccinated. If you haven’t seen it, you can read it here. In addition to the CDC, Unity Church of the Hills also follows State and Local guidance...

May 2021 Volunteer of the Month, Ted Paone

How long have you been a member of UCOH? I started coming to UCOH on the 2nd or 3rd week of its existence here in Austin. We met in Grisham Middle School Cafeteria and on my second visit, I saw Fred and Jerry stacking chairs after service – so I helped. What Service...

February 2021 Volunteer of the Month, Robena Jackson

I’ve been attending UCOH since 2005. I attended the Unity Church in south Austin prior to joining this congregation.  I’ve been a volunteer in the UCOH bookstore consistently since 2006. I love it! I’ve served as a volunteer in our beautiful vegetable garden, as...

Lori Plicque

Trustee Lori Plicque visited UCOH back in early 2010 and never left. She’s still not sure if it was the incredibly rousing musical renditions from Celebration or the soothing sound of Reverend Steve’s “Bing Crosby’s Christmas Special” voice, but she knew at that...
Author: Rick Busby